Flask-holder and flasks
The Tikhvin Lemonade Factory “LLC Lagidze Waters” offers the equipment for making lemonades right at the bar: flask-holder for five types of syrup and saturator device with tap, mixing water and carbon dioxide (it is possible to use bold or piped water). The syrup is supplied in disposable PET flasks of 4 litre volume, which makes the use of the equipment easier. The flask-holder can be installed not only on the bar counter, but also on the roll-bars (used for street trading). A source of carbonated water can be a carbo-cooler or chilled bold sparkling water.
For making 200 ml of lemonade you need 180 ml of water, 30 ml of syrup and 1,5 g of carbon dioxide. You can change the proportion of ingredients according to taste preferences of your customers.
The design of the equipment can decorate the bar or shop counters.
Make your business more profitable. It is simple and rewarding, and on top of it, a rapid return on investment strikes imagination. You will have a great success!
This type of the dispensing equipment has been patented by the Tikhvin Lemonade Factory “LLC Lagidze Waters” in the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks. Patent №94559.
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